Play Music on the Porch Day


What if, for one day, everything stopped — and we all just listened to the music? That’s the question that some folks asked back in 2014. Well, somebody would have to play that music. Since then, it has become an annual, international event! It is called Play Music on the Porch Day. Sounds like a good time, doesn’t it?

That’s why, this year, the Salt Lake Strummers have decided to participate. It will be a time to play music, listen to music, and just hang out with other ukulele lovers. It’ll be totally casual, there’s no “stage”. Heck, you don’t even have to play ukulele, you can just come and listen if you’d like.

We will be playing “Bring Me Sunshine”.  This song is so representative of the spirit that we try to encourage with the Salt Lake Strummers. Plus, it is so fun to play!

We’ll also take the opportunity to savor cool, refreshing Root Beer Floats. 😋 If you were at the August Jam, we took a count to see how many people think they may show up. It’s looking like around 50!
If you weren’t at the last jam, we ask that you visit our Contact Us page and drop us a line to let us know that you (and how many guests?) are planning to join us — we just don’t want to run out of root beer and ice cream.

Date: Saturday, August 31
Time: 11:30am to 1:30pm
Location: Murray Park Pavilion #4 – 406 East Vine Street
Cost: Free — like free (root) beer. 😉

We are looking forward to jamming (or just hanging out) with you on Saturday, August 31!

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