December Workshops Cancelled


The Salt Lake Strummers are committed to being a ukulele learning organization. Our goal is for all of us to become better ukulele players. To that end, we hold a Strummers Workshop on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month (October – May). In these workshops we focus on learning a new song or new technique. Workshops are typically held in a room at one of the local libraries (Holladay and Millcreek are our favorites).

However, we realize that this is a busy time for everybody; if you are like some of us, you already have a pretty full schedule. We don’t want to pile on to your busy schedule. So we have decided to cancel the December Workshops. We will start up again in January. So save the dates: January 10th and January 24th.

Check back on the website for more details. As soon as we know them, we’ll post them here.